[copy of OSMODS file from Steven's shellscript publish directory, 1996 08 26 -Mouse] 1996/08/10 Anne Bennett ------------------------ [Set up the target locations for use by publish; these should be writable by group wheel to avoid the need for root privileges to install software.] [The below IS A CHANGE from the original O/S install] [This is normally done by BOOTSTRAP] # mkdir /local/{bin,man,lib,include} # chown root.wheel /local/{bin,man,lib,include} # chmod 1775 /local/{bin,man,lib,include} # mkdir /local/man/man{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} # mkdir /local/man/cat{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} # chmod 1775 /local/man/{man,cat}? [Set up for automatic cat page creation and whatis database update:] # cp localmods/Makefile /local/man/Makefile # crontab -e [as root, daily call (cd /local/man; make)]