These are my card games for X. .deck A sample deck of cards. This deck is in the public domain (the artwork is entirely my own). 4x13.c A solitaire game involving the whole deck laid out in a 4x14 grid. (Called 4x13 because the initial and won states have the cards in a 4x13 array, with one column blank.) 4x13.rules A description of the rules of the game implemented by 4x13.c. cards.c A set of routines for reading and writing files containing card decks. See cards.doc for a description of the format of these files. cards.doc A description of the file format used by the routines in cards.c. cards.h An include file declaring the structures and routines that code using the routines from cards.c needs to know about. deck.c A program for packing and unpacking card deck files in the format used by cards.c. edit-deck.c A graphic editor for card decks. (This is the program I used to create the deck in .deck.) freecell.c A reimplementation of the common Windows freecell game. This was based on text descriptions of the game; it's possible I don't have the rules quite right - please let me know if you see problems with it. klondike.c A traditional Klondike game. Also supports a double-deck version. klondike.rules A description of the rules of the game implemented by klondike.c. seahaven.c An implementation of Seahaven Towers. This was based on text descriptions of the game; it's possible I don't have the rules quite right - please let me know if you see problems with it. seahaven.notes Notes on some Seahaven games of interest. shwin-b.c shwin-d.c Programs to do exhaustive search, looking for solutions to Seahaven games. shwin-b does breadth-first search; shwin-d depth-first. shwin-d is usually quicker to find a solution when one exists. Note that before building the games, you should edit the source and change the *DeckPath: in the "defaults" string to something more appropriate to your installation. If you don't do this, you will need to put a similar resource in your resource database, or else use the -deck option when running the game in question.