
My wife and I both really like lilacs. They're a real treat for both the nose and the eyes.

On 2023-05-17, we went for a walk on a nearby street which has a lot of lilacs along it. While I can't share the treat they were for the nose, I can share a little bit of the treat they were for the eye. (The reason for the delay is just me being sluggish. I've been meaning to put these pictures up here ever since I took them.)

Here are eleven pictures I took, of varying quality. I hope you find at least a few of them worth looking at.

(The pictures will probably be slow to load. They're served from a machine behind an ADSL link with a depressingly low speed in the me-to-net direction.)

#1, 2976x3968

#2, 2976x3968

#3, 2976x3968

#4, 2976x3968

#5, 3968x2976

#6, 3968x2976

#7, 2976x3968

#8, 2976x3968

#9, 2976x3968

#10, 3968x2976

#11, 3968x2976

All of them as a single page
